Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who is She?

Daughter of a Cult leader?

Kicked out of Machon Beis Yaacov today.

Have we really got a cult leader amongst us?

Will she ever have a smile on her face again?

Fallen low into the hands of a psychotic father.


  1. You know bullshit and stop blaming innocent people


    1. shes a good girl and has a wonderful father so STFU

  2. i did some research and i found out that the story isn't true, they never threw her out of school, and the guy who made this blog just wanted to hurt te father by creating the blog against her and thats called pure taliban

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  4. Oz o Shidduch iz bashert, vey es demults veren,
    In ofila o BLOG ken es nisht iberkeren.
    Eer kent POSTen ohir,
    Eer kent BLOGen oheen,
    O SHAINE SHIDDUCH hut men geteen!!!!!

  5. קענסט טאקע עפענען א "בלאג",
    אבער העלפן וועט עס א פייג,
    שידוכים וועלן ווייטער פאסירן,
    און דיין "בלאג" וועט זיך פון צווישן די טויזענטער אנדערע פארלירן,
    אפילו דיין בלאג איז טאקע זייער שיין,
    איז די שידוך געלונגען גאר פיין,
    און נאך אסאך אנדערע וועלן אי"ה געשען,
    נישט קיין חילוק וואס אויף דיין בלאג מען וועט זעהן.........
    טאמער א שדכן ווערט פליצלינג א דיקטאטאר,
    ביזטו נישט ביים זינען דאס איז קלאר..
    געב די חתן מזל טוב מיט א שמייכל
    אויב האסטו שכל,
    ווייל דיין באשראבונג וועט נישט העלפן קיין סאך,
    עס וועט נאר ברענגען א לאך.............!!!!!!!
    הער אויף צו רעדן וועגן יענעמס ווייב'ס שייטלעך,
    חוץ אויב די ווילסט אז די שטאט זאל שטינקען וועגן דיינע מיידלעך (וד"ל)
    פון אינעווענדיג פאר קנאה
    מיט שכנים מיט די גרעסטע שנאה
    ביזט אויף יענעם דשעלעס
    און די ניצט דעם אייבערשטן פאר א תירוץ
    מאכן שדוכים וועט מען נאך אסאך,
    אבער מיט דיר וועט מען מוזן אנהייבן טוהן צו די זאך,
    נעם נישט קער פון די גאנצע שטאט
    ס'איז סתם א שאד,
    די ווילסט נישט אז די מעשיות קעגן דיר זאל מען אויפדעקן
    ווייל טאמער יא וועסטי קיין האניג נישט לעקן.

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  7. As one from the Yeshivishe world who works along with Reb Yitzchok Rosenberg, and graduated in college with Reb Yitzchok, let me give you readers a bit of information about this special person, and his devotion to anyone of help. As the Jewish community grows Kayn Ayinn Horah, so grows our needs. Our society from today doesn’t represent the society from once upon a time. He’s involved in helping people receiving the right mental care, physical care, as being in the clinical field. In addition, he undertakes all sort of help needed to help Am Yisroel, and especially teens. When dealing with the so called teens at risk, Yitzchok will remove the word “at risk”, but instead name it as teens with a “high potential”. Yitzchok always says as the Talmud says “this world is being perceived in a reverse perspective”; it’s not the teens who are at risk, it’s some of our “educators who pose a risk” to our teens. If there’s a need for filters for PC sake, tenth-fold so there’s a need for filters of our educators. No teen decided to leave the Derech, it’s our educators who placed our teens down via physical, verbal, and even sexual abuse. Reb Yitzchok grouped up with many other special Yidden, including the very few Rabbeim who care about our teens, and with medical doctors, and legal authorities. You may target Yitzchok, but by now, thank God, you’re targeting a group of uprated, choshuveh people, doctors and authorities, and you’ll iy’h fail. Rivky Schapiro, with FB account of Rivky B. Ess, now changed to Rivky Schapiro from UK participated in this blog as traced by authorities, and we’ll leave it so far silent, as my goal is not to reveal her share and her motives at this point. I hope that she’ll understand that she’s fighting with Hashem, and being MeVayesh B’Rabim, that the Talmud says Ein Lo Cheilek B’Olam Habah. Reb Yitzchok together with others helped teens at a legal age that fell in healthy love to marry KeDas Moshe VeYisroel. At the same time, when needed, he’ll involve legal authorities to take off people who molest our teens. He’s a compassionated person, and will always offer a Darchei Shalom, but priorities are given to the victims not to the victimizers. A person from his own……….. (again saying very little, as to offer a final chance not to be MeVayesh so far the people behind operating this blog) got Jealous on his activities, and caused uproars and wanted to stop him, but failed to realized that he’s connected to Hashem, and with leaders who care about our teens, so you’re not fighting with an individual but promoting his group to grow stronger, and more constructive. Yitzchok with his wife are working hand-by-hand with love and harmony together despite the person………. who tries to fight, and fabricate malicious lies. His daughter is an outstanding Machon Beis Yaakov girl, and is rated as one of the top students. She participates, and follows her parents’ foot-steps in offering only courage to Am Yisroel, and not the opposite Chas VeShalom! For the time being, I just felt of being MeKayeim; Lo Samod Al Dam Rayecha, and it’s the duty of each of Klal Yisroel who knows his activities to do the same.

  8. She's a crazy bitch the stories were true

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